Murder by Serpents:
East Tennessee Sheriff Tony Abernathy finds himself searching for a murderer. Who killed a snake-handling preacher--using his own snakes as the weapon? Aided in his search by his wife, Theo, a quilt shop owner and mother of two boys, Tony must dig through conflicting information. Tony may think of Theo's shop as "gossip central" but he pays attention to what she learns. When more bodies turn up, they are both embroiled in the hunt for the truth.
The "clues" for Theo's mystery quilt are included as a little something extra for other quilting addicts.
Murder By Serpents: The Mystery Quilt release date is Wednesday, November 14 by Five Star Books, an imprint of Gale, ISBN13: 978-1-59414-590-2.
Kirkus Review calls it--“A soothing cozy debut that includes a pattern for a mystery quilt”. Set in East Tennessee, the novel concerns the murder of a snake-handling preacher. His own snakes are used as the murder weapon.
2007 Signings scheduled:
December 1-Big Horn Quilts in Greybull from 10:00 a.m. until ?
December 8-Cody Newsstand in Cody from 4:00 until 6:00 p.m.
December 9-Barnes & Noble Booksellers-Billings, MT from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m.
December 15-Friends & Company Quilt Store-Cody from Noon to 2:00 p.m.
December 16-Borders Books-Billings, MT from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM
2008 Readings scheduled:
January 19 Meeteetsee Branch of Park County Library beginning at 2:00 p.m.
January 22 Cody Public Library beginning at 7:00 p.m.
FMI about Barbara Graham, go to her website at www.bgmysteries.com
Barbara was always a daydreamer. Her early literary efforts centered around her saving the world. Thank goodness it didn't all fall on her shoulders. She's a bit of a flake. Born in the Texas Panhandle and unable to remain still, she has lived in places as diverse as Denver, New Orleans and East Tennessee. A former travel agent, mom, and ballet teacher, she resides in Wyoming with her long suffering husband and two dogs.