The six Wyoming-made films include "Teacup," starring Jackson Hole's own Macey Mott; "Don't Fence Me In," a documentary about 13 Wyoming women by Bonnie Kreps; and "This Bird Has Flown," a fictional dance drama based on the enigmatic woman in the John Lennon song "Norwegian Wood."
The filmfest includes films (of course), parties, filmmakers' forums and gatherings, and the award ceremony at 8:30 p.m. on June 8), plus eight "Best of the Fest" sessions on Monday, June 9.
For schedules and more info, go to the festival's own website, For tickets, call the Center for the Arts Box Office, 307-733-4900, or come by 265 S. Cache St. in Jackson.
Festival artwork (pictured above) is by Chuck Anderson of Bloomington, Ill. It's a mix of analog and digital elements including collage, photography, hand drawn illustration and design.