Here's some crucial information (from Laurie Lye at Casper College) for those who registered online during Labor Day weekend for Equality State Book Festival:
In an unprecedented move, the registration form for the book festival went on strike and took Labor Day weekend off, Saturday through Monday, August 29-Sept. 2. In a further act of rebellion, it displayed to the hapless victim of the registration process that “your form has been submitted,” when in fact, delivery was not completed.
If you registered during those days for the workshops or banquet or even for a table for the Saturday fair, this was NOT received. I always acknowledge receipt of registration within a few days so if you haven’t heard from me, please try again. An entirely new encrypted server has beenput in place, so this should not happen again. There is no concern of being doubly-enrolled, or charged twice! Our apologies, and thanks for your patience!
There is still space in the workshops so hope to hear from you soon!
FMI: Laurie Lye, Equality State Book Festival at or (307) 268-2639