Thursday, October 2, 2008

Suing someone has ancient history

A discussion of litigation and Athens, Greece is this month’s Wyoming State Museum Lecture Series presentation. The lecture, "Sue Thy Neighbor: Life and Litigation in Classical Athens," by Dr. Philip Holt, will be held at 7 p.m., October 9 in the State Museum Multi-Purpose Room.

Dr. Holt, professor and department chair of Modern and Classical Languages at the University of Wyoming, will discuss the similarities and differences between lawsuits in Athens and in the United States today. The sport of suing flourished in the world’s first democracy just as it does in America today. Dr. Holt explores the rough-and-tumble courts of ancient Athens, where citizens filed their own charges, found their own witnesses and recruited orators to argue their case with fiery speeches and personal attacks. His presentation highlights both similarities and contrasts to American justice, based on law and individual rights, and the Anthenian system of amateur citizens charged with upholding the common good.

This program is sponsored by the Wyoming Humanities Council.

The Wyoming State Museum is located in the Barrett Building, 2301 Central Avenue in Cheyenne. For more information about this and other State Museum programs, please call 777-7022.