Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Chris Amend on Joseph Campbell web site

This news comes from Christopher Amend, a Gillette artist who's also on the Wyoming Arts Council roster:

I am pleased and excited to announce that I am a featured artist on the web site of the Joseph Campbell Foundation. Those Campbell fans among you will appreciate the utter coolness of this; those who are not familiar with Campbell, I recommend the book "The Power of Myth" as a place to start. If you follow this link to the site, skip the intro, and click on the "Featured Artists" link, It will show you an image of mine, with a link to my web site. Of course, you could go directly to my web site at http://chrisamend.com/, but that would circumvent the JCF site, and that would be a shame.

Cheers to all, and Happy Holidays, Chris