Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The art (and politics) of undergarments

From a Wyoming State Parks and Cultural Resources press release:

Melanie O’Hara will explore the social and political implications of 19th century women’s clothing during a Wyoming State Museum program titled "Wyoming Women: Why We Took Off Our Corsets – The Curious Connection Between Undergarments and Suffrage," March 12, at 7 p.m.

Sponsored by the Wyoming State Museum, State Museum Volunteers and presented by the Wyoming Humanities Council, the program is free and open to the public.

This presentation will take a "before" and "after" look at women who came from Victorian East Coast traditions and values out west to Wyoming. Women who traveled to and settled in the west declared their independence from undergarments that impeded their newfound freedoms of mobility, survival, transportation, critical thinking, economics and politics once they got to Wyoming.

O’Hara’s presentation is offer by the Wyoming Council for the Humanities through its 2009 Humanities Forum. Council programs explore the human experience – our lives, our communities, our world – in partnership with nonprofit organizations throughout Wyoming. Emphasis is placed on fostering forums for discussion among Wyoming residents.

The Wyoming State Museum is located in the Barrett Building, 2301 Central Avenue in Cheyenne.

FMI: 307-777-7022.