Sunday, June 7, 2009

Wyoming Writers, Inc., members vote for new board structure

Wyoming Writers, Inc., wrapped up its general membership meeting at about 9:30 a.m., a bit behind schedule but there were a lot of items to cover. Members voted to institute a new board structure that will give WWInc more flexibility when it comes to planning the conference, recruiting new members, and basically ensuring that the org will live on. Instead of direct elections of officers, a motion was approved to elect a board for a one-year term that will then elect the officers. The board also will revise the bylaws, recruit conference and contest chairs, study the possibility of hiring a part-time administrator, write grants, etc. There are many tasks faced by an all-volunteer 35-year-old organization. But in the past five years, officers have decamped to other states and resigned due to health problems. This is the sign of an aging organization, a circumstance facing all volunteer-run entities. We need to recruit new (and younger) members and discover ways to be relevant to them.

Lots to do in the next year.

By the way, I am up for a spot on the board. But because we had more candidates that positions (a rarity), we voted on paper ballots and they have to be counted I'll post the names later.

WWInc membership also voted to increase dues to $35 annually and to hold the next asnnual conference in Cody.

Now it's time to get back to the writing workshops...