Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Wyoming arts Alliance convenes in Laramie, November 1-3, 2009

University of Wyoming Fine Arts will host the 27th annual Wyoming Arts Alliance Annual Block Booking Conference in Laramie, November 1-3.

Conference registration begins at 1:00p.m. Sunday, November 1 in the Fine Arts Building. Conference activities include informational workshops, performing arts showcases and block booking session, using technology in this fast paced world, peer networking and state and national arts organizations' updates.

The mission of the Wyoming Arts Alliance (WyAA) is to uniquely combine arts advocacy, professional services and information to advance a creative and culturally vibrant state. Artists of every genre, arts organizations as well as individuals interested in promoting the Arts in Wyoming are encouraged to attend.

Wyoming Arts Alliance partners with the Wyoming Arts Council, a state agency.

FMI: 307-689-8454, email: director@wyomingarts.org or visit http://www.wyomingarts.org/