Wyoming Writers, Inc., has extended its early bird conference registration deadline to May 20. The conference will be held June 4-6 in Cody.
The early bird rate is $155 per person for members and $170 for non-members. After May 20, that rate goes up to $175 and $200, respectively.
Join WWInc when you register and pay only the member rate for the conference!
The conference features workshops and presentations by Edgar and Spur Award-winning author Max McCoy; award-winning novelist and Wyoming Poet Laureate (1996-2002) Robert Roripaugh; Lee Ann Roripaugh, winner of the National Poetry Series Prize for her book "Beyond Heart Mountain;" literary agents Suzie Townsend of Fine Print Literary Management and Gordon Warnock of Andrea Hurst Literary Management; and UW/CC humanities professtor and Wyoming Arts Council board chair Bruce Richardson.
Find a printable registration form at the WWInc web site at http://www.wyowriters.org/