Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Poetry Out Loud schools announced

Seven schools from around Wyoming have signed up to participate in the 2008 Poetry Out Loud recitation competition.

Participating schools (with teachers' names):
Buffalo H.S., Buffalo, Kira Wages
Carey J.H.S., Cheyenne, Angel Katen
East H.S., Cheyenne, Michael Starks
Cody H.S., Cody, Michael Riley
Guernsey-Sunrise School, Guernsey, Tess Bandalos
Star Valley H.S., Afton, Robyn Johnson
Wheatland H.S., Wheatland, Scott James

The school competitions will be held through the end of February. Champions and their teachers (or chaperones) from each school travel to Cheyenne March 10-11 for the state finals. The winner of that competition will travel to Washington, D.C., in April for the national finals.

These events are sponsored nationally by the National Endowment for the Arts and the Poetry Foundation. The Wyoming Arts Council is in charge of the Wyoming competition. If you're interested in participating next year, call Mike Shay at the WAC and he'll send you more information.

For more info about Poetry Out Loud, go to http://www.poetryoutloud.org/