From Alan Dubberly, Deputy Director, Wyoming Travel & Tourism:
The Wyoming Tourism Master Plan is moving right along. Seven community meetings were conducted in May to gather initial input from stakeholders and all who were interested. We had over 200 attendees between all the meetings and were very pleased with the amount of participation and incredible ideas generated during the meetings. We have also conducted an initial e-survey via the Master Plan website – projectfrontdoor.
This survey is meant to be a starting point and to gather basic data and information on a very high level. Over 360 surveys were completed to provide us with a starting point on how the industry views some of the broad issues and areas.
We have recently posted the results of the survey to
Keep in mind that this is just the initial work to develop a Master Plan. We are still in the data collecting stage of this plan. We will be conducting other surveys and gathering more detailed information prior to completing the plan in December.
For those of you who took the time to attend the meetings and take the survey, we thank you very much. This plan will only be as good as the input and participation we receive from stakeholders and other interested parties. For those of you we haven’t heard from yet, there is still time to participate. In fact, we are planning a second, more detailed e-survey in August, for which, we will seek your input. At any time, you can go to, click on Email us and send your thoughts, ideas or comments. Watch for the summaries of the seven regional meetings to be posted next week. We will let you know when they are available online.