Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Nicolaysen releases RFQ guidelines for innovative public art partnership in Casper

From Lisa Hatchadoorian at the Nicolaysen Art Museum in Casper:

In early 2011, a unique opportunity arose to integrate public art into a new development for low income housing located on the eastern edge of the Casper business district and directly across the street from the Nicolaysen Art Museum, a contemporary art museum in downtown Casper

David Haney, Executive Director for the WCDA (Wyoming Community Development Authority), initiated conversations with Grimshaw Investments, a private developer, the City of Casper, and the Nicolaysen Art Museum. Discussions centered around creating a public art project that could be incorporated into existing open green space, and serve as a gathering place for the residents of the housing complex, the surrounding community, and businesses. The new development, the Sunshine Apartments, will utilize green design as one of many initiatives for a ground breaking direction in low-income housing the state of Wyoming. Additionally, we envision the site serving as a focal point for arts activities and events.

It quickly became evident that by working together, we could create a working model and pilot program for public art partnerships for our community and others around the state. The proposed public art project will be created in the same spirit—drawing upon gathered input from the community to inspire an artist in the design, creation and installation of a work of public art that reflects and highlights this unique community, its history and the surrounding neighborhood. The art project will be an integral component of the vision for the apartment complex and a source of community pride and inspiration. 

This project was recently awarded funding by the NEA (National Endowment for the Arts) as part of its "Our Town" initiative. Our Town is the NEA’s new leadership initiative focused on "creative placemaking” projects where partners from both public and private sectors come together to strategically shape the physical and social character of a neighborhood, town, city, or region around arts and cultural activities.

Deadline for submission of qualifications: Friday, September 16, 2011.


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