Monday, December 17, 2007

AIE grant guidelines are changing

Here's an important announcement from the Wyoming Arts Council:

The Wyoming Arts Council is changing the Arts in Education grant program. The annual program will become a biennial application, due March 1, 2008, that allows grantees to request funding for two years. Starting July 1, 2008, there will also be an ongoing grant for programs not eligible for the biennial track.

Applicants will apply in only one of the categories described below. This change will provide greater access to arts education funding for more organizations and schools and help WAC accomplish the arts education goals in its long-range plan.

The Biennial AIE Grant provides grantees that demonstrate consistent arts education programming with-two year funding. This will stabilize organizations and allow staff to focus on planning and evaluation. Organizations who apply in this track must have successfully completed at least five WAC grants, including at least two AIE grants, and apply for multiple or year-long projects.

Successful applicants can plan on grant funding for two years, although amounts may vary. Rather than an outline for a future project, applicants will tell the story of activities and accomplishments from the past year, the results of their evaluation and planning for future activities.

The Ongoing AIE Grant, available for projects starting July 1, 2008, will serve grantees that are new to WAC or single projects. Applications will be accepted all year.

A mailing with more information was done in early December to all current and previous grantees. Applications will be accepted on-line only, unless special arrangements are made. For more information, see our web site or call 307-777-7742.