The application and guidelines for the Wyoming Arts Council's "Eggstraordinary Eggxhibit" are now on our web site at
This exhibit was prompted by the flap last year when the egg was on Wyoming’s face. The White House Egg display included an egg representing Wyoming that was created by a non-resident artist. To wipe the egg from our face, the Wyoming Arts Council is implementing a process to ensure that Wyoming artists will have the opportunity to represent us in the future. We are celebrating this with an exhibit in our Gallery.
Interested artists can apply in one of three categories: White House Eggs, which are decorated eggs which meet the guidelines of the American Egg Board and which will be considered for the 2009 exhibit in Washington, DC; Egg-themed 3-D and 2-D art, which will be juried. In the last two categories, artists may interpret the theme of the egg, but are asked to provide a short statement of how their work relates to the theme. Applicants may apply in more than one category. For information on how to apply, please go to our web page and scroll down to the "news" section. If you have any questions, call us at 307-777-7742.