Thursday, January 3, 2008

Julianne Couch presents State Museum lecture

First offering for the Wyoming State Museum’s 2008 evening lecture series will be Julianne Couch of Laramie speaking about her book, Jukeboxes & Jackalopes: A Wyoming Bar Journey. It will be held in the museum’s multipurpose room, 2301 Central Ave. in Cheyenne, at 7 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 10. It’s free and open to the public.

Julianne is a lecturer in the English Department at the University of Wyoming. Her first book, Jukeboxes and Jackalopes: A Wyoming Bar Journey, was released by Pronghorn Press in June 2007. Along with photographer Ronald Hansen, Julianne visited close to 30 of Wyoming's most off-the-beaten path bars. The result is a travel memoir comprising essays about exotic and evocatively named watering holes such as Spotted Horse Saloon, Cactus Tree Pub, and Rowdy's Spirit & Bait. Julianne and Ron will show photos from their bar tour and discuss the Wyoming history they unearthed along the way. A book signing will follow the lecture.

FMI: 307-777-7021.