Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Cobb & Slaughter photos at Open Range Images Gallery in Cody

Just talked to Elijah Cobb (shown at right), photographer and one-time WAC visual arts fellowship winner. He told me about new exhibits going up at the Open Range Images Gallery, a co-op space in Cody that he's a member of. The new show features new work by him and fellow member Randi Slaughter.

They invite everyone to come to an opening reception at the gallery on Friday, March 6, 4-7 p.m. The event is free and opoen to the public. The work will be on display through April 30.

"From My Mother’s Chair" by Elijah Cobb is a series of "photographic contemplations" shot from his mother’s chair. Here are comments from the artist:

After my mother’s passing, I received her writing table and chair. I found it unsettling that her chair and table were in my studio. It didn’t belong there -- so I had to sit in the chair until images came to me. The process has allowed me to accept her passing and the presence of her creative seat in my life. The images all include a window in Cobb’s log cabin studio wall and illustrate changing natural light and colored light playing across his still life subjects.

Randi's exhibition is "In a Different Light," which features "local scenery by infrared, dawn and moonlight to show familiar landscapes in unfamiliar ways, going beyond what our eyes can perceive."

Here's more:

Slaughter worked with black and white infrared film years ago but now is recreating the look and feel of that medium through digital interpretation. She has used hazy light around hot objects, higher contrast and more grain, to create penetrating and stark images. Slaughter also uses extended exposures to show us landscapes illuminated by moonlight and the early pink of dawn. Living in a rural area, she has access to clear dark skies that many people are no longer privileged to enjoy.
FMI: Elijah Cobb, 307-587-5218,; Randi Slaughter, 307-645-3358,