Hot off the presses from the University of Wyoming:
The University of Wyoming Board of Trustees today gave its approval to request legislative authorization for the university to issue bonds for the construction of UW's top capital facilities priority -- a new building to house the university's growing visual arts program.
New art studios are planned to replace overcrowded and out-of-date facilities for visual arts, such as sculpture, art and ceramics. That would be accomplished through issuing revenue bonds not to exceed $33 million, to be paid for by UW's share of federal mineral royalties (FMRs), which are restricted by law to use for capital facilities purposes.
The Wyoming State Legislature in 2008 authorized $600,000 for Level II preliminary design. In 2009, the Legislature appropriated $2.7 million for final design and construction documents, scheduled to be in final form by January 2010. The university plans to provide the governor and legislature a guaranteed maximum price before the 2010 legislative session begins. If the bonding authority is approved, UW plans to begin construction next summer.
Completing the Art Building (to be located near the Centennial Complex that houses the UW Art Museum) and relocating the visual arts program is required before phase two of the project, renovating and expanding the existing Fine Arts building, can begin. Plans call for the improved facility to house performing arts programs. A planning and design timeframe indicates phase two would cost about $50 million, with construction envisioned to begin in at least 2013.