Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Arts Summit features innovative speakers

The Wyoming Arts Summit will be held October 19-20 at the Casper Events Center in Casper.

Today’s business and community leaders are looking for new ways to attract and retain the brightest and best employees.

Arts-based economies can enhance state efforts to diversify rural economies, generate revenue, improve the quality of life and attract visitors and investment.
Breakthrough thinkers, such as Patrick Overton from the Front Porch Institute, and intriguing panelists, such as National Endowment for the Arts Chairman Dana Gioia, will address topics such as:
· Strengthening our rural economies
· Workforce development
· Creative Towns are Critical for our Future
· Arts Education – An Invaluable Asset
· Advocacy is the Key

Visit http://wyoarts.state.wy.us/
or call 307-777-7742 for registration information.