Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Local Jewish artists, "HeeB 100" photographs, at Lyndsay McCandless Gallery

Planet Jackson Hole reports that the opening party for “The HeeB 100” photo exhibit, along with an art show by local Jewish artists, will be held at 7 p.m. on Friday, March 6, at the Lyndsay McCandless Contemporary Gallery, 130 S. Jackson St., Jackson. This follows the First Friday event, with an open bar continuing until 8 p.m. DJ Vert One will provide entertainment.

For the last three years, the national quarterly HeeB Magazine has published a list of 100 up-and-coming, young Jews and then has shipped their photographs around the country until the next list is due. The exhibit is a “who’s who of Jews . . . young people on cusp of greatness,” publisher Josh Neuman said. “It’s as much a celebration of our photographers as the subjects. We work with many great photographers. These are our best.”

Steven Glass, curator of the local exhibition, said that the show in the side room of LMC will feature artists of varying age and medium, the main requirement being that they are local and Jewish.

Neuman said that he was surprised to discover Jackson Hole has a thriving Jewish community, but that the event may work to change that common perception. “It’s an opportunity to learn more about the community,” Neuman said.