Monday, July 27, 2009

Call for artists: Rosa Parks Transit Station

The City of Gainesville Department of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Affairs Art in Public Places Trust invite artists or artist teams to submit applications for the Rosa Parks Regional Transit Service (RTS) Downtown Station.

The public artwork will be installed at the Rosa Parks RTS Downtown Station. The space allows for lighting, tile, panels and paving of the artist’s design, choice and materials. The theme is left to the artist’s discretion, but the artist may choose to use the title of the station (Rosa Parks) as inspiration for the design. This public art project will enhance the aesthetic quality of the busy downtown bus station for those who use its services everyday. The artwork will be accessible and contribute to Gainesville’s community pride.

One artist or a team of artists will be selected after the following information has been reviewed. The following documentation must arrive by the postmark deadline of Friday, August 14, 2009:

1. Letter of Interest: This one page maximum letter should outline the artist’s approach to public art. Please highlight relevant past experience on projects of similar budget and scope.
2. General Design Concept/Theme Proposal: Describe your overall “theme” and style of artwork. Include artist name, fees, for all service, drawings, and any additional services provided upon invoice. Explain your proposed schedule, process, medium and method by which you will involve the Downtown RTS Bus Station users in concept development and/or design development.
3. Professional Resume: Resumes should not be more than two pages. Please note that artist teams should submit a resume for each team member.
4. Fabrication and Installation: Describe the anticipated fabrication and installation needs for the permanent art work.
5. Annotated Image List: The image list must be provided with the Artist’s name, title, location, medium, dimensions, date of work, budget, the corresponding image number and short description of images (up to 10 maximum). The format for this submission should be on a CD in .jpg format, with each image no larger than 1MB.6.

Return Envelope: Self-addressed and stamped. Mail Application Materials (Postmarked by August 14, 2009) to: City of Gainesville Art in Public Places Trust Rosa Parks RTS Downtown Station Department of Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Affairs, Station 30 PO Box 490, Gainesville, FL 32602-0490.

For additional questions please contact Erin Friedberg, Visual ArtsCoordinator, City of Gainesville Division of Cultural Affairs, (352) 393 – 8532.E-mail:

Deadline: August 14, 2009