Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Call for entries: Flash fiction contest

Writer Carol Caverly, who describes herself as "a founding member of Wyoming Writers, Inc., and ex-president of many moons ago as Babbie Collins," sends news about a writing competition. She now lives in Colorado Springs and invites her Wyoming friends to e-mail her at cacaverly@juno.com

Now, the details of the writing competition:

Announcing the 2009 Pikes Peak Branch National League of American Pen Women Flash Fiction Contest. Submit a complete, but very-short story of 100 words or fewer. Postmark deadline: March 2, 2009. Entry fee: $10. Prizes: 1st, $75; 2nd, $40; Judge's Merit, $15. Theme: "Everything was perfect."

Flash fiction is a complete, but very short story of 100 words or fewer. The title is not included in the word count. The story must pertain to the theme, "Everything was perfect." All genres are welcome, and multiple entries may be submitted. A is required for each entry. No poetry. A self-addressed, stamped envelope must be included. Winners will be notified by or before April 15, 2009.

For complete rules and entry blank please go to www.nlapwcolorado.org (click Pikes Peak branch, then contests) or e-mail cacaverly@juno.com